Episode 012: Not Your Average Weight Loss Plan

Show Notes:

Turns out inviting God into your health journey can be a radical idea for some. I’ve heard things like:

  • ‘God doesn’t need to be bothered with my health’ or
  • ‘God has bigger things to deal with than my problems’ or
  • ‘God doesn’t care what my body looks like so why would He care about my health?’ or 
  • ‘God loves me no matter how big or small I am, so why does it matter?’

But actually, if we do a little investigation, the Bible is full of evidence that our health does in fact matter to God, and more importantly than that, our decision to let God in on this journey is more for US than it is for Him.

Our health journey opens our eyes to areas in our spiritual journey that need more of God. More intervention. More transformation. More freedom. More love, grace and mercy.

Join me as we explore a ‘not so average’ approach to weight loss. One that puts God at the center.

~Dr. Melody

P.S. Snag your 7 Day Mind, Body, Spirit Detox checklist here.

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Episode 011: Stop Failing Before You Get Started

The proper mindset and expectations are key - they can make or break your success

Show Notes:

What goes on inside our head is way more important than how many reps we do or how clean we eat. If you don’t have the right mindset or expectations of what transformation really takes, you are setting yourself up for failure before you even begin.

In this episode we talk about how you take every thought captive and set yourself up for success mentally, to reap the results physically.

With God, ALL things are possible. If God is for you, who can be against you?

~Dr. Melody

Episode 010: God’s Purpose for Your Health

Show Notes:

For everything we do, there is a purpose behind it. And the same goes for God. For everything He does, there is a purpose. And He created you, and your health, for a certain purpose.

In this episode we explore God’s purpose for your health and how that affects your daily life, thoughts and actions.

To your health,

~Dr. Melody

P.S. Grab your 7 Day Detox Checklist here and get started on aligning your purposes with His, in your mind, body and spirit.

Episode 009: Finding Your Health Identity

Show Notes:

What roles do you play? What hats do you wear?

  • Wife
  • Mother
  • Sister
  • Friend
  • Co-worker
  • Teacher
  • the list goes on…

And what happens when something ‘goes wrong’ or there is a miscommunication, misperception or trauma? It can fully throw us into a tailspin emotionally, spiritually and physically.

Finding our identity in the roles we play or different ‘hats we wear’ is a shaky place to find our true value and worth.

But when we find our identity solely in Christ, being hidden and covered by Him, our value, worth, love and acceptance are never questioned. The strains and pressures of performance and duty are washed away. He is our sole provider and redeemer. Our solid rock whose love never fails and whose forgiveness and love are freely given.

Let’s start the examination process to find where we’re placing our identity, and finding freedom and grace when it’s placed in the loving arms of our Father in Heaven.

~Dr. Melody

P.S. Grab you complimentary 7 Day Detox here.