Episode 020: True Health = Connection

Show Notes:

If you’re searching for true health – inside and out – it will not happen outside of Connection. Connection with God, yourself, His church, other people. We were created for connection.

Let’s step into the fullness of life and health the way God always intended.

~Dr. Melody

P.S. Grab your 7 Day Mind, Body, Spirit Detox Checklist here: healthychristianwomen.com/detox

P.P.S. Learn more about becoming a Fit+Faith Ambassador and join the global movement: bit.ly/ffglobal

Episode 019 – Perfectionism: Your Worst Enemy

Show Notes:

One of the biggest things that can rob us our of future is the vice of Perfectionism. The voice that tells us ‘it’s not good enough’ or ‘you’re not good enough’ or ‘you need to know everything before you move forward’. It’s not that being knowledgeable is a bad thing, but when it gets to the point where you’re stuck in analysis paralysis or overly consumed with something being perfect before you take the next step, you’re literally delaying your future and all the good things God has waiting for you on the other side.

Let’s dig into God’s word and see how this applies to all areas of our health and our life and break free from the shackles of perfectionism.

~Dr. Melody

P.S. Grab your 7 Day Detox here: healthychristianwomen.com/detox

P.P.S. Learn more about the BeautifulYOU™ program here > bit.ly/BEAUTIFULYOU

Episode 018: Dispelling The Lies, Walking In Truth

Show Notes:

We’ve been so programmed to follow society and fall into the ways of the world that we can begin believing that certain lies are actually truth.

But as Christians, the Bible should be our Standard. God is supposed to be our ONLY one true god. But closer examination of our time, attention and habits reveals that food, tv, social media, other’s opinions, work, family etc. have taken the number one place in our heart. Over our Creator and His plans, His Word, His ways.

Let’s identify and remove the falsehoods and return walking hand-in-hand with our Heavenly Father as He leads our life, our health, our time. Let us accept the freedom from bondage of the commonplace lies that we’ve grown accustomed to believing are the truth. The Bible will show us the way.

~Dr. Melody

P.S. Grab your 7 Day Detox Checklist here > healthychristianwomen.com/detox

P.P.S. Join the BeautifulYOU program here > bit.ly/BEAUTIFULYOU

Episode 017 – Breaking Free From Comparison

Show Notes:

One of the biggest stealers of our joy is Comparison.

But what does God say about it? What does the Bible tell us about how we should handle this sneaky troublemaker that makes us feel less-than, unworthy and undeserving of love and acceptance?

Time to let the truth wash over you. Time to receive in your spirit the unconditional love and value that God places on you.

Let’s step out of this snare and into the Freedom that is ready and waiting for you, in Jesus’ name.

~Dr. Melody

P.S. Grab your 7 Day Detox checklist here: healthychristianwomen.com/detox

P.P.S. Learn more here: bit.ly/BEAUTIFULYOU