Episode 028: Where Did My Discipline Go?

Show Notes:

Discipline can often feel fleeting, can’t it? We ‘do good’ for awhile, then something happens and we’re off track and have a hard time getting back on. So what gives? Where did my discipline go?

In this episode we’ll turn to God’s Word about Discipline to find wisdom in the scriptures and the answers when we’re feeling stuck, unmotivated and overwhelmed.

~Dr. Melody

P.S. Grab your 7 Day Detox here: healthychristianwomen.com/detox

Episode 027: Reversing Unrest

Show Notes:

We battle the feeling of unrest by turning first to God. The feeling of anxiety/worry/unrest can sabotage our health because we want to get rid of these feelings as fast as possible, but that’s no longer the acceptable coping mechanism. We need to peace of the Lord to soothe our soul.

In this episode I share a seemingly random incident that happened while parking my car, and the flood of memories and emotions that came up, revealing the unrest I’ve held in my heart for over 15 years about my self-confidence and self worth. Our brains are so unbelievably complex.

It’s our response to these feelings and emotions that needs to be addressed by the truth of God’s word, not someone elses.

~Dr. Melody

P.S. Grab you 7 Day Detox Checklist here: healthychristianwomen.com/detox

Episode 026: Using Your Struggle For Good

Show Notes:

What the Enemy has meant for harm, God is working for your good! And He’s desiring that through Him you will use your struggle as a lifelong testimony of His goodness, grace, mercy, transformation and deliverance.

Our health journey may have started as a personal and selfish pursuit, but God is desiring bigger things, and more people, to be impacted by your story and testimony throughout the process.

~Dr. Melody

P.S. Get your copy of the book ‘Full’ that we reference here: https://amzn.to/2MtbZmv

P.P.S. Get your 7 Day Detox Checklist here: healthychristianwomen.com/detox

Episode 025: Your Brain on Sugar

Show Notes:

Ever wonder WHY it’s so hard to break free from sugar? Why it’s so hard to fight off those late night or mid-afternoon cravings? Well, there’s actually an explanation of what’s going on inside your brain chemistry.

In this episode we take the complex brain systems and make them simple and understandable so you can know what is going on inside your blood, brain and cells, so you are better equipped to fight the good fight of breaking free from the addictive clutch of sugar.

~Dr. Melody

P.S. Get your complimentary 7 Day Mind, Body, Spirit Detox Checklist here: healthychristianwomen.com/detox